Agri-Environment Climate Scheme

Photo: Blue sky view across North Bragar common grazings with village in the background

Photo: North Bragar common grazings

Location: North and South Bragar, Isle of Lewis

Client:  North and South Bragar Common Grazing Committees

The Project: Support to common grazing committees to collate an application under the Scottish Government Rural Payments process to manage the land of two neighbouring common grazings to benefit the habitats and wildlife of the area, including those that are features of the Lewis Peatlands SPA and SAC.

Our Role: Atlantic58 collated and submitted an Agri-Environment Climate Scheme (AECS) application on behalf of the common grazing committees. Activities included ongoing consultation with the committees to develop appropriate conservation initiatives and land management practices in line with crofting activities to benefit corncrake, waders and species rich grassland.

Outcome:  Awaiting results of application from the Scottish Government


Peatland Restoration and Feasibility


Organic Certification, Various Aquaculture Sites